Saturday, September 12, 2009

Search a byte in a given number (8085)

Statement: Search the given byte in the list of 50 numbers stored in the consecutive memory locations and store the address of memory location in the memory locations 2200H and 2201H. Assume byte is in the C register and starting address of the list is 2000H. If byte is not found store 00 at 2200H and 2201H.

Source program:
LX I H, 2000H : Initialize memory pointer 52H
MVI B, 52H : Initialize counter
BACK: MOV A, M : Get the number
CMP C : Compare with the given byte
JZ LAST : Go last if match occurs
INX H : Increment memory pointer
DCR B : Decrement counter
JNZ B : I f not zero, repeat
LXI H, 0000H
SHLD 2200H
JMP END : Store 00 at 2200H and 2201H
LAST: SHLD 2200H : Store memory address
END: HLT : Stop

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