Saturday, September 12, 2009

Inserting string in a given array of characters (8085)

Statement:Write an 8085 assembly language program to insert a string of four characters from the tenth location in the given array of 50 characters.
Step 1: Move bytes from location 10 till the end of array by four bytes downwards.
Step 2: Insert four bytes at locations 10, 11, 12 and 13.
Source Program:
LXI H, 2l31H : Initialize pointer at the last location of array.
LXI D, 2l35H : Initialize another pointer to point the last location of array after insertion.
AGAIN: MOV A, M : Get the character
STAX D : Store at the new location
DCX D : Decrement destination pointer
DCX H : Decrement source pointer
MOV A, L : [check whether desired
CPI 05H bytes are shifted or not]
JNZ AGAIN : if not repeat the process
INX H : adjust the memory pointer
LXI D, 2200H : Initialize the memory pointer to point the string to be inserted
REPE: LDAX D : Get the character
MOV M, A : Store it in the array
INX D : Increment source pointer
INX H : Increment destination pointer
MOV A, E : [Check whether the 4 bytes
CPI 04 are inserted]
JNZ REPE : if not repeat the process
HLT : stop

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