Saturday, September 12, 2009

Add two decimal numbers of 6 digit each(8085)

Statement: Two decimal numbers six digits each, are stored in BCD package form. Each number occupies a sequence of byte in the memory. The starting address of first number is 6000H Write an assembly language program that adds these two numbers and stores the sum in the same format starting from memory location 6200H.

Source Program:
LXI H, 6000H : Initialize pointer l to first number
LXI D, 6l00H : Initialize pointer2 to second number
LXI B, 6200H : Initialize pointer3 to result
CMC : Carry = 0
BACK: LDAX D : Get the digit
ADD M : Add two digits
DAA : Adjust for decimal
STAX.B : Store the result
INX H : Increment pointer 1
INX D : Increment pointer2
INX B : Increment result pointer
CPI 06H : Check for last digit
JNZ BACK : If not last digit repeat
HLT : Terminate program execution

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